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Salt Lake City, UT

Acrylic/Oil Painting Starter kit

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Acrylic/Oil Painting Starter kit


Acrylic/Oil Painting Starter kit


The beginners kit for students that are starting off with Acrylic/Oil painting.
Great for all ages.

. Acrylic/Oil art pad
. Storage zipper pouch for paint, brushes, chalk + pencil
. Drawing pencil
. Chalk
. Water cup
. Wooden paint palette
. Paint brushes:
- 1 Large flat brush
- 1 medium flat brush
- 1 medium round brush
- 1 small round detailed brush
. Acrylic/Oil Paint: (Acrylic paint pictured)
- Black paint (4 oz.)
- White paint (4 oz.)
- Red paint (4 oz.)
- Yellow paint (4 oz.)
- Blue paint (4 oz.)

*Some items pictured may be similar, not exactly the same.

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